
The Elevate program is designed to help you learn, laugh and grow through the development of life skills, and gives you access to unique social and recreational opportunities. This program is about learning through fun experiences! You are part of creating, planning and choosing all of the activities. Elevate gives you the voice to choose the activities you want to do! Please tell staff about the new places or events that you would like to try or attend.

Community integration is a primary focus of the program. By attending the activities that you choose, you will get to spend more time in the community and build your independence.

You are going to learn skills in different core areas through hands-on learning, or practical skills. This will involve instruction, demonstration, repetition of your skills, and then hands-on application of the new knowledge and skills.

Each day, you will participate in a life skills lesson prior to your activity for the day. We will teach you the life skills that provide you with more opportunities in life. We will focus on helping you become a better advocate and work on skills that enhance your relationships with others.

Good friendships and social skills are a key part to leading a happy, healthy life. Through your participation, you will develop lasting friendships and bonds. We can help you overcome your fears about new social situations, navigate through times of conflict, and increase your positive interactions with others.

Literacy is designed to teach or enhance the skills that will help you succeed at home, work and in the community. Your literacy lessons will focus on a variety of topics, such as reading comprehension, writing, and math skills. Literacy is an optional part of the program, but participation is strongly encouraged. The development of these skills will help you succeed in all of the other program areas.

Arts + Crafts

Health + Fitness




Gaming + Coding

Performing Arts

Culinary Arts
