
Open Arms Health Systems was started to empower individuals with developmental disabilities to live dignified, independent, and successful lives.

Open Arms was originally founded in 2011 in Chicago, Illinois, as a provider of senior services. Shortly after, the owner, at the age of 21, moved back to the Columbus, Ohio area to care for his brother that has developmental disabilities. Through those experiences, the owner saw the overwhelming need for good, quality residential and vocational services within this field. The focus then shifted from senior care to caring for and providing opportunities to those with developmental disabilities.

In 2013, individuals receiving OAHS residential services were looking for places to work, but nothing was available that fit their unique set of needs or offered decent wages. They had bills to pay. They had hopes and dreams of a better lifestyle. OAHS then developed a system that gave individuals the ability to learn a vocation while earning a living. We could also pay them competitive wages, offer benefits, and offer opportunities for advancement.

Over the course of a few years, our services quickly expanded to other life areas that include entertainment, education, and expeditions. Presently, we continue to grow in the types of services we provide, in the geographic areas we serve, and in the number of individuals that we positively impact on a daily basis.

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Andrew Carnegie

Chris Allison


Amy Everhart


David Stacy


Laura Taylor

Director of Billing